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What is REALLY happening when you get too many “No” from sponsors
The first thought that many of my clients have is this: “What we could offer and what they wanted was not in synergy” If you are at the...

“I have a small and/or niche audience and that’s why I can’t get sponsors”
This my friend, is a limiting belief and I’m so happy to announce that with every limiting belief - it’s not true. My clients and I have...

Fun Ways to Learn About Organising Events for Free
There’s super typical ways to learn about events. Binging on a course, reading blogs, or attending an events school for 3 years (yups, I...

3 Super Cool FREE Tools You’ll Love for Your Events
#1. PEXELS Making your event promo GORGEOUS! I love Pexels and once I discovered this tool, all of my marketing...

How to Get Happy-to-Pay Event Sponsors in 30 days
I love sponsors. And most of all, sponsors love me. Yes you read that right (; And the art of getting sponsors flocking to you is to care...

How to create an AMAZING, EPIC & SUPER AWESOME virtual summit?
Which is technically the same as asking "How to create the BEST Virtual Summit ever?" Which in my book means - amazing, epic and super...

5 reasons why you didn't invite that big name speaker to your Virtual Summit
Yep, I'm talking about the one with 50K Instagram followers who’s also featured on Forbes and Wall Street Journal. You know, the one who...

What You Need To Know Before Hosting Your First Virtual Summit
I’m the type who wants to know everything before starting a project and if this is you, this post is everything you need to know about...

Strategic Networking Tips for Virtual Summit Hosts with Sarah Shotton
One of the things that attendees love is the ability to connect - with YOU as the summit host and from time to time, other like-minded...

How to Secure Star-Studded Speakers with just One Email
When I first organised my first virtual summit, I had one dream speaker that I knew I needed to be at my event. She’s a powerhouse and a...

Key Figures You Should Know Before Organising Your Virtual Summit
Since I’m the type of person who wants to know everything there is to expect before actually doing something, I thought to share with you...

How to promote your event for high attendee rates & more sales!
I know that you created your summit to help people experience real transformation and get the solutions they've looking for, so here's my...

3 Ways You Can Use Virtual Summit to Explode Your Business
If you are here, you already know how a virtual summit can help your business go to the next level. I'm talking about exploding your...

Top Virtual Summit Mistakes that Cost You Money
Virtual summits are supposed to be cheap. And I mean that from my heart since I come from in-person events that need an actual space to...

3 Mindset Shift for a Stress-Free Event Planning
Planning an event can take a toll on your emotional well-being. This post might be surprising to some people but I actually do work on...

Why you are not hearing back from sponsors
You already created the perfect sponsorship proposal, sent out amazing invitation emails to potential sponsors and even sent tons of...

A Conversation with Bailey Richert on Affiliate Partnerships
Last week I jumped at the chance to have a 30 mins coaching call with Bailey Richert and you should have seen my inability to subdue my...

How to Create a Virtual Summit with Zero Budget
I’m really excited about this blog post because I know so many people who want to plan a virtual summit but may not have any budget for...

The 3 Things I Want You to Know if You Are Planning Your First Event
Here's what I want you to know if you are new to organising events. 1. You don’t need to "be more reliable/have better profile/have...

5 Questions You Need to Ask To Choose The Perfect Event Platform
I’ve always said this - not all event platforms are created equal. Why? Because different platforms have different features that can help...
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