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How Affiliate Partnership Works in Virtual Summits?
Since 80% of my “Ladies Let’s Talk Money Virtual Series” income comes from this strategy, I highly recommend for virtual summit...

How I organised a profitable virtual summit with only $300
Since I came across soooo many of my clients who dropped thousands and thousand dollars to organize a virtual summit, I thought that this...

4 Awesome Tips to Organise Your Next Virtual Summit With EASE
I just hopped on a call last week from a potential client and while she was describing her grand virtual event, it became very obvious to...

5 Tips to Help you Choose the Best Speakers for Your Virtual Event
As an audience, one of the things that I look out for in an online event is the quality of speakers (because I like to learn from the...

Top 5 Reasons Why Events Might Be Your Best Marketing Strategy
If you are looking for something else to add to your list of marketing strategies, events might just be the single most effective...

How to Successfully Organise A Virtual Event
As the live events industry is coming to a standstill, the virtual events space is BOOMING. Personally, I’m super excited to explore this...

How to thrive in Sponsorships & Fundraising Amidst Covid
As the Covid situation continues to worsen, it has become harder for sponsorships and fundraising efforts to succeed. With lockdown and...

Nobody is registering for your event? Here's what you should do next!
You know when you are excited to finally tell people about your event, you’ve got a well written invitation email, you’ve got a gorgeous...

The Truth about Fundraising
Here’s the truth about fundraising. Just because someone has money to donate, doesn’t mean they will give it to you. Have you ever had...

Top 3 Sponsorship Proposal Mistakes You Need to Avoid
Sponsorship proposal is one of the most important pieces of document that you can have for your event simply because it can help you...

On a time crunch? 3 Tips to organise a successful event with short lead time
Organising an event while under a huge time pressure is no fun but it happens all the time. If you get caught in a situation where you...

Five important documents you need to kickstart your event planning
So you got an idea ready and you have your plan in place but for now its all in your head. And then maybe you put it all in a project...

Important difference about sponsorships in corporate and community events
I've succesfully secured monetary sponsorships for corporate events and the first time I tried to adopt the same methods for charity...
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