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Lead your
Impact with
Virtual Summits

The only Virtual Summit coaching programme you need to master & monetise virtual events

But first, let me guess why you're here.

You’ve got the official certifications & years of experience.. 

but you feel like you're not being seen as the fabulous go-to expert in your industry


You see your super cool fellow 6 and 7 figure leaders rocking it in the online world

and you want to have juicy collaborations with them to serve bigger


And you're happy for the peeps in your industry that got interviewed on podcasts, the media and Youtube

But you got that tingly feeling in your bones, wondering why not YOU. Because you're soooo freakin' ready to be seen by even more people

And you already have a freaking successful business 

but you've been called to do more, give more and 10x your dreamy clients because you're a high impact, big magic type of gal

The only reason I know all these is because Virtual Summits as a marketing tool attracts LEADERS.

Hey Visionary CEOs!

I'm Rashidah Rahman

Your Virtual Summit & Events Coach

And for the past 9 years, I've supported leaders just like you in hosting epic million-dollar and award-winning events. The kind that was graced by the President of Singapore Republic, and put Singapore on the map.

The thing is, there is no other marketing tool out there that builds trust, and getting your people up close and personal to your world like events.

And I'm so happy that you are called to do this. I say "called" because I know that events is not a thing that just pop in your head one day. It's a feeling that started as a seed in your heart, and then it blooms. 

Then you see it grows - day by day. A new idea, a new feeling, a new "that would be so amazing" for my audience thingy.

And my magic is helping you put it all together in a nice little bow. Without the fuss and annoying trial and error because who got time for that!


My Virtual Summit Speakers

have been featured on

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What actually happens after you host a super impactful Virtual Summit?

Imagine this..

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You’ve attracted your dreamy clients into your world at record speed 

All eager to experience the transformation that only YOU can create. They know you, like you and most importantly TRUST you because they’ve seen you step into your power and lead. After all, it’s you who has hosted the most EPIC virtual summit of the year ever! Plus, the “Aha” moments and golden wisdom bombs that you dropped in your presentation? They.want.more.


You’ll get recognised by your industry peers as the go-to expert in niche.

You’ve been around the block and in the digital space for years. But this time, instead of just seeing your fellow industry peers rocking it on the internet, you’ll start having conversations with them about business, collaborations and impact. And everything in between. Coming from the girl who goes from gawking over self-made millionaire “Theresa Gattung” to actually collaborating with her.


You’ll start attracting speaking opportunities (even paid ones!)

On other people’s podcasts, Facebook Groups, masterminds and even Virtual Summits! The visibility momentum that you had created is soooo huge, you’re going to start saying “no” to speaking invites because there’s just too many! Don’t be surprised if you start to get paid for a speaking gig, because that happened to me *wink*


All while making profits just by hosting a Virtual Summit.

Because you knew exactly how to monetise your summit, even before selling your products and services. You knew that your virtual summit is truly a collection of high quality trainings that people are oh-so-happy to pay for lifetime access.

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The Virtual Summit framework that I'm taking you through looks like..

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I'm so grateful to be able to learn from some of the best event directors and mentors over the past 9 years. And in this programme, I'm condensing everything that I know to give you an incredibly easy to follow step-by-step Virtual Summit system.  

The same one that had helped me and my clients to:
x200 our email list, secured USD$10K cash event income,
partnered with world-renowned leaders,
attract high ticket-clients and paid speaking opportunities

If you feel like its your turn to lead a powerful movement through a virtual summit, I would love to invite you to join me in this coaching programme that walks you through the exact process from a summit idea to full-blown event.

In this programme, I’m spilling ALL the secrets that NOBODY is teaching you in the Virtual Summit space including:

*How to secure high profile speakers COLD*

You probably heard this before - “You need to build relationships first before asking them to speak at your summit.” OR “if you had a connection who knew that speaker, they would definitely agree to speak!”


URGH. You know what’s ICKY? Trying to build a relationship because of an agenda. And you know what’s even ICKIER? Trying to get someone to introduce you to that speaker, and hoping that they would say yes just because they know your friend/cousin/aunt/bestie.


No thanks! Also, when was the last time you said yes just because a stranger knew someone you know? I digress. All the awesome possum speakers who graced my summit?They have never heard of me. Yet they say yes within one DM, one email and one conversation. Simply by putting impact first. And I'll teach you how. This will change how you do partnerships in your business - forever. 

*How to attract an audience ORGANICALLY*

You know what event organisers DON’T have? 

An email list. A social media account. A Facebook Group. 

If you have all of the above? Great!

But Virtual Summit is about growing your audience. 

Which is why I'm sharing with you my exact event marketing strategies that will help you attract TONS of excited audience to fill out your event FAST. That’s how I went from a single digit to x200 my email list - even with 100 Instagram followers, close to zero online presence and a jobless LinkedIn status. Because that ish* doesn’t matter. 

"I successfully secured two cash Platinum sponsors worth USD$10,000"

I did not have a single sponsor with 1 month left to the planned event day and I began to doubt myself. But fortunately, I came across Rashidah's services. She challenged me to push my limits in every way possible. She provided great perspective and sound advice. She helped with the preparations through meetings and proposals. She helped me to gain confidence for my event.

As I approached the first sponsor, I had an unexpected response. Their immense excitement and love for the event was immeasurable. I successfully secured two cash Platinum sponsors worth USD$10,000 and media partners for my event. With her as my event’s compass, I was ultimately led to structure an event that brought excitement to people and sponsors. She is worth more than her rates and her events services are world-class!

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Elvis Silayo
Founder of Paychap

The big, bold move that you're thinking about?

It's here.

The Virtual Summit

3 Months Coaching Programme

One Session of DONE WITH YOU 90 Days Virtual Summit Success Plan

(Value USD$250)

We’ll cover your unique event roadmap based on your budget, team’s capabilities
and business goals. Then we'll map out key action steps and deadline so you and your team know exactly what to do and when. 

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Weekly Private Coaching Sessions

60 minutes x 12 Weeks
(Value USD$3,000)

Each session is tailored to support your progress, overcome your unique challenges and support you with specific event strategies whether it relates to planning, speakers, event platform or marketing.

Weekly Review of Your
Event Content & Deliverables

30 minutes x 4 sessions
(Value USD$599)


Reviewing the marketing and event pieces that you and your team put out, you’ll have access to expert insights on all your event deliverables. Basically, zero worries on sending out “oops” emails and putting up “oh no I didn’t include the date” event poster. All while ensuring your content converts!

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Access to my Virtual Summit
Treasure Chest 

(Value USD$499)


Filled with my tried and tested swipe copies, agreements & proven templates that've been used for million-dollar and award winning events (and did I mention, Presidential-worthy event?). You'll save at least 100 hours of crafting everything from scratch. 

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Rachel Chung
Confidence & High Performance Coach

"Thanks to her incredible help, I've already secured 3 high profile speakers - featured on Business Insider, Medium, The Inquirer, Thrive Global, Yahoo Finance and another had over 54K Instagram followers!"

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Here's the proven Virtual Summit process that I'm going to take you through..

Month 1

Crafting Your Epic Virtual Summit and filling it up with All Star Speakers

  • First, we’ll start with crafting a drool-worthy summit programme that makes your dreamy clients say hell yes just by hearing your summit name.

  • Then, we’ll build a highly transformational audience journey that delivers epic value.

  • Next, we’ll fill it up with your fellow 7 and 6-figure leaders and speakers that you’ve been admiring on internet land through my secret ‘All Star Speakers’ strategies (I love a star-studded virtual stage!)

  • You'll learn how to secure top notch partnerships even if your Instagram have less than 100 followers and a one-digit email list

  • We’ll also be covering your event budgeting (income and expenses) and do a thorough review on your support team to fill up any gaps in terms of strategies or additional support (whether its a Virtual Assistant, a Transcriber or Website Tech Support)

Month 2

Designing Your Event Platform 
(even if you are Non-Tech Savvy!)

  • Focusing on your event platform, we’ll build an effective sales funnel that helps your audience go from a stranger to your biggest fan.

  • We’ll build out an event registration page that converts with important components that attracts your best audience

  • Next, we'll create your cart page, all access pass and upsell pages and everything in between!

  • Pssst... If you are non-tech savvy, don’t worry! I figured out a smooth and easy way to put all these together, even before knowing how to go live on Instagram (ha!) - the key is in choosing an event platform that works for you! 

Month 3

Launching Your Virtual Summit to your international audience

  • The final sprint to the finish line! We’ll go all out on reaching your event to the people who need it the most - organically of course!

  • We’ll craft a tailored marketing plan based on where your ideal audience hangs out, and a 30 days social media content that gets your audience juiced up and ready to get their front row seats!

  • You'll learn effective event marketing strategies to fill up your Virtual Summit with your ideal clients (so that you get to serve more people and make impact in a HUGE way)

  • The same strategies that I used to attract thousands of event audiences internationally so you’ll have a wider reach to your attendees, no matter the time zone!

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Larissa Parks
Luxury Travel Advisor
Founder of Hitched360

"This is by far the best investment I made"

She is amazing. This is by far the best investment I made. Rashidah embraces your virtual summit idea as if it is her own. Goes above and beyond in research and offering implementable action steps. Very communicative from the beginning and follow-up upon completion. She truly wants you to succeed and reach all income goals. She truly is an ace. Her expertise and brilliance shined throughout our coaching call. I highly recommend her. A delightful experience. A+++ all the way.

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Dr Sally Littleton, PhD
Master Reiki Teacher
Founder of Enlightenment Reiki

Rashidah exceeded
all my expectations for the
Summit Coaching call!

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Janice Patterson
Business Coach
The Jam Consulting

Rashidah stepped in and provided me with so much clarity, direction and tools to be able to execute on my virtual event.

I went in thinking that I knew exactly how to do it because I've done events in the past offline, so it can't be that hard to plan something online. Well, I was wrong and I need help. Rashidah was right there to help me just at the right moment. Rashidah stepped in and provided me with so much clarity, direction and tools to be able to execute on my virtual event. She is easy to talk to. She is readily available to respond to questions, and that for me was really important. 

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Why me as your Virtual Summit Coach?

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  • I’m a certified Events Organiser + 12 years of experience in doing full-cycle events. Some of my biggest events include World Gourmet Summit, Stop The Cycle of Domestic Violence Conference & Singapore Manufacturing Association 80th Gala Dinner.

  • I’m an expert at securing high level collaborations. And the biggest personality that ever graced my event - you asked? It’s Mdm Halimah Yacob - also known as Singapore’s first female president *wink*

  • I have helped raised over USD$1 million through a series of events for children’s education, brought in premium clients for businesses and 10x the event profits A.K.A my events produce results

  • I break complex stuff into easy-to-understand concepts, and easy-to-implement action steps

  • And my clients love me because my virtual summit strategies works, and I support their energetics to manifest miracles. WOOTS!

Ready to host a Virtual Summit that blows your mind?

Total value: USD$8046

Your investment: USD$3000

Payment Plans

4 monthly payments of


Let's do this!

Here's everything that you need for a wildly successful summit:

  • 12 x Coaching Session 

  • 1 x Summit Success Planning Session

  • Virtual Summit Treasure Chest Access

  • Weekly Review of Event Content & Deliverables

  • I’m so busy with clients, I’m not sure if I have the time!"
    The best part about this coaching programme is that it's specially tailored to busy business owners like you. I’ve spent 9 years refining the event techniques so we’ll go straight to actions that drive results, and cut the fluff. All my clients who hosted a virtual summit are still serving clients on a weekly basis. All I ask is to cut any other non-client activities 2 weeks leading up to your summit date so that you’ll have 100% focus on summit marketing activities.
  • What if I don’t have a big event budget?
    I’ve done a 100+ seminar at a top museum in Singapore with a $0 budget. And I’ve done a virtual summit with $300. It’s not about how big is your event budget but the strategies to make and save money in events. We’ll create an EPIC summit, with a budget that you’re comfortable with.
  • I have a small list, will this work for me?"
    Hosting a virtual summit allowed me to go from a one digit email list to x200 that number in 6 weeks. It’s not about the audience that you already have, but about attracting and growing your best-fit audience. I'll show you how in your programme (;
  • Are you using expensive ads or event platforms?
    Nopes! It's all organic marketing. Event marketing is the art of getting people to say "Hell Yes!" quick and knowing exactly where to find your happy audience - no matter the platform. I'll also teach you how to find partners who's going to be so happy to promote your event for you, while leveraging the platform that you are already on.
  • Okay, I'm convinced. But what kind of information you need from me?"
    If you already have ALL the ideas - perfect! And if you have none - also perfect! In our first call, we'll put your juicy ideas together and plan the kind of virtual summit that sets your heart on fire *in a good way, of course*. The kind of information I need is usually what you already know - your audience, your business and your offers. So that your virtual summit is an extension of you and your business, and not a separate entity.

The best time to host your Virtual Summit is now.

You could wait till you're *ready*

Till you get your systems up.
Till your business is "even more polished". 
Till you finally figured out your tech funnels.

Or you could follow that nudge that has been telling you that it's time.

Time to lead.
Tme to serve.
And time to impact even more people like you've never had before.


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