4 weeks online course
Does this happen to you?
1) Write a perfect sponsorship proposal
2) Send it out to potential sponsors
3) Rub your hands in excitement to get that “yes!”
But never end up getting any response? Or perhaps you did your due diligence and follow-through with calls but never even get the opportunity to present your event to the decision maker?
I have been there when I first started in the industry and I know the feeling…
The thing is, writing a great proposal is just half the challenge. The other half is to actually identify and send the proposal to the most relevant sponsors.
This combined with the right acquisition strategies in place will maximize your chances of success and get that resounding “YES” you’ve been waiting for.
If you’re struggling to secure any sponsors for the past few months, you’ve got two options…
1) Try and figure out everything on your own and keep missing out on potential sponsors while your event day is coming to a close
2) Let an experienced event organiser who has spent 8 years successfully secured countless sponsorship deals hold your hand and help you
If you want to save time and get the results you want quickly, then you’ll most certainly go with option # 2.
"Get your Cash Sponsors in 60 days"
Crash Course
A Premium Training Programme
that Will Teach You:
1) How to write compelling sponsorship proposals that delivers results
2) The core elements of a well-written sponsorship proposal
3) How to deliver value and make your offers irresistible to sponsors
4) How to identify the best sponsors to maximize your success rate
5) The biggest sponsorships mistake you need to avoid to save time and money
6) Tips to turn your event into a sponsor-magnet
7) And so much more…
What I’ve done is simplify the sponsorships acquisition process and put together a programme that will move you closer to your sponsorship goals effortlessly.
In this course, I’ll give you practical and actionable steps so that you are set up for HUGE success.
There are so many amazing events that fail at getting sponsors because they do not have the budget to hire an events and sponsorships specialist that costs upwards of USD$6,000 per month. Now you can have access to this set of expertise and strategies at a fraction of the price.
If you are ready to have sponsors calling you to ask about your event and get access to proven sponsorships techniques that gives you results, click the link below to register for this training to start securing sponsors today!
What does this crash course include?
Unlimited access to the "Get Your Ideal Sponsors in 60 Days" crash course (USD$999)
(which means you and everyone on your team will get up to speed on sponsorship acquisition skills!)
Review all of your sponsorship proposals, emails correspondence and list of potential sponsors (USD$399)
Total Package: USD$1,478
To help amazing business owners like you to succeed,
I'm offering you this package at a MASSIVE discounted rate of $88