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3 Ways You Can Use Virtual Summit to Explode Your Business

Updated: Dec 7, 2020

If you are here, you already know how a virtual summit can help your business go to the next level. I'm talking about exploding your brand with visibility, sales, subscribers - all the works. And the truth is, this marketing strategy is not for everyone - it's not one of those hands-off campaign where you can easily pay an ad and watch people come in to buy your offers.

This is for you if you REALLY want to build that connection and engage with your audience, AND play at a bigger level because it takes a lot of work.

Before hosting my summit: 1. I was nobody on the online space, in fact my LinkedIn updates showed that I was jobless over 7 months (I was in the entrepreneurship closet oops!) 2. My subscriber’s list was only one digit because I was that new in the digital space 3. My new Facebook profile which I had created for my business had only 3 posts (any introverts here like me?) and less than 150 people in my friend's list And after the summit? ✓ I multiplied my subscribers by x200 ✓ I collaborated with AMAZING renowned ladies who have been featured on Forbes, BBC, Wall Street Journal and Oprah Winfrey Show ✓ I made profits! (Being paid to promote my stuff instead of paying for ads!) ✓ I get to serve and impact a BIGGER community of women, which is the BEST part!

✓ I got the chance to interview Bailey Richert, the queen of Virtual Summits which was super cool!

✓ I landed interview opportunities on other amazing women entrepreneurs' platforms from podcast to Facebook Groups Phew! That's a pretty long list and a great return on time and energy, don't you think?

So now that you're excited about what the virtual summit can do for you, I want to dive in a little bit deeper on how it can actually help your business.

1. To explode your subscriber's list? Do a Free Summit Tickets Strategy

A free event ticket is like a free lead magnet on steroids! Huge value, high in demand and everybody wants them!

And the best part is, you are not doing it alone. You are creating amazing value with your speakers, all of which have their own group of followers that will promote you and your summit!

The free for 24 hours strategy works really well to grow your subscribers fast, and the paid All Access Pass tickets helps the other group of people who want to view your event at their own time and convenience, plus watch the replays to not miss any info. Just with this technique alone, you get paid to host the event AND grow your subscribers list. Win win!

2. Want more sales by nurturing your audience? Do a video presentation on your summit

Interviewing your speakers is great for visibility but then you are just the interviewer. Instead of being seen as the person who's asking questions, I want you to be seen as the expert giving value.

So jump on at least one video presentation and give massive golden nuggets that's related to what you are selling so that you can build your know, like and trust factor with your audience. This is super important because your email list is going to be with you for a long time and once they know you, they'll be happy to see your offers and emails weeks or even months after the summit.

3. Skyrocket Your Brand Awareness Through the Power of Association

I never heard of Lizzo until she was on Ariana Grande's song (who I love!). And then I realised her songs are BOMB and became a huge fan.

I first heard of Ariana Grande one year before her pop hit song "The Way", and it was because she covered Mariah Carey's song Emotions.

What's happening here?

These up-and-coming artists are using the power of association to grow their audience and make their mark in the industry.

This is the exact strategy you use when you collaborate with high profile speakers in your niche for your summit.

I see too many people find speakers just on Facebook groups, or asking their friends in the industry which is perfectly fine, but I want you to maximise the impact and the value of your summit by inviting your dream speakers. The ones that make you go HELL YES!

When I organised my virtual summit (which you can check out here), I got the chance to work with some of the most extraordinary women from around the world, including my dream speaker - Theresa Gattung. I remember first reading about her as the founder of My Food Bag, and as a self-made millionaire who turned her company in excess of $100 million within a few years. She made me go " I WANT TO MEET HER AND TALK TO HER AND LEARN FROM HER"

And I did.

That's what I want for you too!

Because aside from the vanity metrics of your speakers being on renowned magazines and TV, they are the absolute experts and known in their field for a reason, which makes your summit quality mind-blowing!




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